
Seven Island Brewery

The #1 Brewer in Greece
E-Commerce /


Client Overview

Seven Island Brewery” is the epitome of excellence in the craft beer scene, holding the prestigious title of the #1 brewer in Greece. Internationally, it is swiftly gaining recognition as an up-and-coming force in the world of craft brewing.

The Brief

Our mission was to catapult “Seven Island Brewery” into the digital realm with a dynamic e-shop, an events calendar, and an exclusive membership space. The goal was to create a comprehensive online platform that not only showcased their unrivaled craft brews but also engaged and connected with their audience.

Our Approach

We embarked on the creation of a robust e-shop, allowing enthusiasts to explore and purchase “Seven Island Brewery’s” distinctive products and merchandise with ease. The design was carefully curated to reflect the brewery’s esteemed position, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience.

The addition of an events calendar provided a dynamic space for “Seven Island Brewery” to share details about upcoming events and their presence at various locations. This feature enhanced customer engagement and awareness.

To foster a sense of community, we established a membership space where visitors could join newsletters and subscription boxes. This not only expanded their audience but also created a direct channel for communication and brand loyalty.

Our collaboration with the brewery showcased their unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and their reputation in the craft beer scene.

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